“Mall Malisow & Cooney, PC: Fair and accurate billing; Reasonable professional rates. I have a MLS in legal research and have worked in private practice setting, so this assessment is based on personal knowledge and experience.”
Royal Oak, MI
Veterans Benefits
“Sadly, many veterans are unaware of the benefits to which they may be entitled to following military service. Our attorneys can help.”
Let’s talk
Veterans Benefits Help
Let’s talk
Sadly, many veterans are unaware of the benefits to which they may be entitled to following military service in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. These benefits can provide significant assistance, particularly in cases where the veteran suffered a service-related injury or disability, or where the armed forces member died while engaged in active service. At Mall Malisow & Cooney, P.C., we offer compassionate and comprehensive services to aid veterans and survivors.
Our talented and experienced team of Attorneys and VA Specialist can help you:
In order to be eligible for benefits, certain requirements must be met by the veteran or their surviving spouse.
General Requirements For Aid & Attendance:
Disability Status:
Veterans are eligible for benefits without a disability, but a higher benefit is available to those who are disabled.
Marriage Status:
A surviving spouse must have been living with the veteran at the time of their death and must be single at the time of filing a claim for survivor’s benefits.
Financial Requirements:
If you have been denied veterans benefits, or received any other negative action from the VA, it is your right to appeal with a private Attorney retained to represent your interests. Because of our respect for service members, veterans, and their families, Mall Malisow & Cooney is pleased to offer resources and experience that is unavailable from most other law firms in our area.
All of our Attorneys who handle veterans benefit cases are accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and have many years of experience handling benefits appeals and veterans pension cases. In addition, our VA Benefits Specialist, Jack Becher, has over 30 years of experience as a managing officer of the Veterans Service Organization. Mr. Becher is well versed in current laws regarding veterans benefits, claims, denials, appeals, and pensions.
The Law Firm of Mall Malisow & Cooney is proud to provide excellent service and many years of experience to serve our veterans and service families. If you have questions about the veterans benefits to which you may be entitled, or if you have been denied veterans benefits, contact us today. Your valuable service to our country has earned you the right to enjoy certain benefits, and our talented team of Attorneys and VA Specialist are ready to provide our experience and resources to you and your family.
“Mall Malisow & Cooney, PC: Fair and accurate billing; Reasonable professional rates. I have a MLS in legal research and have worked in private practice setting, so this assessment is based on personal knowledge and experience.”
Royal Oak, MI